Can You Put Raw Chicken in an Air Fryer?

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By Jennifer Davidson

Air fryers are pretty much an essential kitchen appliance for anyone who wants to cook and eat healthy. They’re not just limited to French fries though— they can also be used to roast, bake and grill everything from your favourite veggies, and desserts to even raw chicken (yes, raw chicken!). But how does it work? Let’s find out.

How Long Does It Take to Cook Chicken in an Air Fryer?

Well, there’s no definitive answer to this. It depends on a few factors: the size of the chicken and the type of air fryer you have. A small chicken will take about 20 minutes, while a larger one could take up to 30 minutes. The temperature setting on your air fryer may also affect how long it takes for your meat to cook (see below).

You can check the progress of your food by opening up the lid and checking with a fork or knife after 10 minutes or so of cooking time has passed. If there are no juices flowing out when you prod at it with these tools, then there’s still some more time left before your meal is ready—but don’t leave it unattended too long!

Best Air Fryers of 2023 For Raw Chicken

When it comes to cooking raw chicken, using an air fryer can be a game-changer. Not only does it eliminate the need for excessive oil, but it also speeds up the cooking process while providing a crispy and juicy result. If you’re in the market for a new air fryer specifically for cooking raw chicken, look no further. In this blog post, we will discuss the top air fryers of 2023 that are perfect for cooking raw chicken.

1.Ninja AF101 

Ninja AF101 Best Seller Airfryer

The Ninja AF101, the best-seller air fryer, is a feature-packed air fryer designed to make healthy cooking a breeze. Its powerful 1550-watt heating element and precision temperature control allow you to achieve perfectly crispy results while using up to 75% less oil than traditional frying methods. With a 4-quart ceramic-coated basket, customizable cooking times and temperatures, and a wide range of pre-programmed settings, this air fryer offers versatility and convenience, making it easy to prepare a variety of delicious meals and snacks with minimal effort and maximum flavor.

2. Cuisinart Air Fryer + Convection Toaster Oven

Cuisinart Air Fryer + Convection Toaster Oven

The Cuisinart Air Fryer + Convection Toaster Oven is a multifunctional kitchen appliance designed to make cooking raw chicken a breeze. Its main feature is the combination of air frying and convection baking, which ensures your chicken comes out perfectly crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, all while using less oil. The device-specific features include adjustable temperature and cooking time settings, a spacious interior that can accommodate a whole chicken, and a built-in thermometer to ensure your chicken is cooked to perfection every time.

3. Philips Premium Airfryer XXL

Philips Premium Airfryer XXL

The Philips Premium Airfryer XXL is a top-of-the-line kitchen appliance designed to make cooking raw chicken a breeze. Its generous 4-quart capacity allows you to cook a whole chicken or multiple pieces with ease. With its patented Twin TurboStar technology, this air fryer ensures that your chicken is cooked evenly and to perfection, thanks to its powerful hot air circulation that removes excess fat, resulting in crispy skin and juicy, tender meat. Additionally, the digital touchscreen interface and preset cooking programs make it incredibly user-friendly, allowing you to select the perfect settings for your chicken dishes without any guesswork.

4. WHALL Air Fryer

WHALL Air Fryer

The WHALL Air Fryer is a multifunctional kitchen appliance that excels in cooking raw chicken to perfection. Its powerful 1800-watt heating element and rapid air circulation technology ensure that your chicken turns out crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, all while using significantly less oil. With preset cooking programs and adjustable temperature settings, you can easily customize the cooking process for your chicken, whether you prefer it grilled, roasted, or fried, making it a versatile and convenient addition to your kitchen for preparing delicious and healthy chicken dishes.

5. Instant Pot Air Fryer Oven

Instant Pot Air Fryer Oven

The Instant Pot Air Fryer Oven is a multi-functional kitchen appliance designed to make cooking raw chicken a breeze. Its powerful air frying capability ensures that your chicken turns out crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, all while using up to 95% less oil than traditional frying methods. With its spacious interior, precise temperature control, and a variety of presets tailored for poultry, you can easily roast, bake, or air fry chicken to perfection, making it an essential tool for any chicken enthusiast.

Benefits Of Using An Air Fryer For Cooking Raw Chicken

Firstly, cooking raw chicken in an air fryer offers a healthier cooking option. The air fryer uses hot air circulation to cook the food, minimizing the need for additional oil. This means you can enjoy chicken that is lower in fat and calories, making it a great option for those who are conscious about their diet.

Secondly, using an air fryer for cooking raw chicken provides a convenient and time-saving method. Air fryers are designed to cook food quickly and efficiently. They preheat faster than traditional ovens and the hot air circulation ensures even cooking throughout the chicken. This not only saves you time in the kitchen but also guarantees a juicy and flavorful result.

How to Cook the Chicken in an Air Fryer?

  • Step 1: Preheat the air fryer to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. It doesn’t matter if your air fryer doesn’t support such a high temperature. The point is to get it’s interior hot and running before putting the chicken in.
  • Step 2: Pound the chicken until it is about 1/2-inch thick using a meat tenderizer or mallet, or by putting it between two pieces of plastic wrap and hitting it with a rolling pin.
  • Step 3: Season the raw chicken with your favourite spices, such as salt, and pepper and fresh herbs like rosemary or thyme. If you want more flavour in your finished meat than just from seasoning alone, consider marinating your food first—this can be done by putting the seasoned raw meat in a Ziploc baggie with some olive oil for about an hour before cooking (or longer if you have time). Discard leftover marinade after cooking since it will not keep well once opened.
  • Step 4: Cook for 10 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit and keep checking the temperature using a probe thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the meat. When the internal temperature reaches 160 Fahrenheit (75 C), you’ve got yourself a perfectly tender piece of meat. Do not overcook! The ideal temperature range lies between 140 F (60 C) – 155 F (68 C) so always use caution when checking, but you can also find out if the chicken’s done by poking a knife or fork into it. If it’s soft and juicy, then it’s done. If it’s hard and dry, then it needs more time.

Best Seasonings And Marinades For Air-Fried Chicken

When it comes to air-frying chicken, seasoning and marinating are essential steps to enhance the flavor and make it truly mouthwatering. The right combination of seasonings and marinades can take your air-fried chicken to a whole new level. In this blog post, we will explore some of the best seasonings and marinades that you can use to make your air-fried chicken taste absolutely delicious.

1. Garlic and Herb Seasoning: This classic combination of garlic, herbs, and spices is a go-to choice for many chicken lovers. It adds a savory and aromatic taste to the chicken, making it flavorful and delicious. Simply sprinkle the seasoning generously on the chicken before air-frying, and you’ll be amazed by the results.

2. Barbecue Marinade: If you’re a fan of smoky and tangy flavors, a barbecue marinade is a perfect choice. Whether you prefer a sweet and tangy BBQ sauce or a spicy and smoky one, marinating your chicken in it before air-frying will infuse it with amazing flavors. Let the chicken soak in the marinade for at least an hour (or preferably overnight) for maximum flavor.

3. Lemon and Herb Marinade: For a lighter and refreshing taste, try marinating your chicken in a lemon and herb marinade. The bright acidity of the lemon complements the herbs and spices, resulting in a zesty and delicious chicken. Squeeze fresh lemon juice over the chicken and sprinkle it with your favorite herbs before air-frying.

4. Spicy Cajun Seasoning: If you crave some heat and bold flavors, a spicy Cajun seasoning is your best bet. This blend of spices, including paprika, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, and more, adds a kick to your chicken. Coat the chicken generously with the seasoning before air-frying, and you’ll get a spicy and flavorful result.

Remember to experiment and adjust the seasonings and marinades according to your taste preferences. These suggestions are just the starting point, and you can create your own unique combinations too. So, next time you air-fry chicken, don’t forget to add a pinch of creativity and a dash of deliciousness with the right seasonings and marinades!

How To Achieve Crispy And Juicy Air-Fried Chicken

When it comes to cooking chicken in an air fryer, achieving the perfect balance of crispy and juicy can be a challenge. However, with the right techniques and a few helpful tips, you can achieve mouthwatering results every time. Here are some steps to follow to achieve crispy and juicy air-fried chicken:

  1. Choose the right cuts: When preparing chicken for air frying, it’s important to choose cuts that are suitable for this cooking method. Boneless, skinless chicken breasts or thighs work best as they cook more evenly and are less likely to dry out.
  2. Preheat the air fryer: Preheating your air fryer is crucial for achieving crispy chicken. Set the temperature to 400°F (200°C) and let it preheat for about 3-5 minutes. This will ensure that the chicken starts cooking immediately and promotes crispiness.
  3. Use a marinade: Marinating the chicken adds flavor and helps to keep it moist. You can use a variety of marinades, such as lemon herb, barbecue, or garlic and herb. Let the chicken marinate for at least 30 minutes, or overnight if possible, to enhance the flavor.
  4. Coat the chicken: Before placing the chicken in the air fryer, coat it with a thin layer of oil or cooking spray. This will help to crisp up the skin and create a golden brown exterior. For added crunch, you can also dip the chicken in a mixture of breadcrumbs or crushed cornflakes.
  5. Cook in batches: Avoid overcrowding the air fryer basket to ensure that the chicken cooks evenly. Cook in batches if necessary, leaving space between each piece of chicken. This allows the hot air to circulate around the chicken and promote crispiness.
  6. Flip halfway through: To ensure even cooking and crispiness on both sides, flip the chicken halfway through the cooking process. Use tongs or a spatula to carefully turn the chicken over, being mindful of the hot air and any oil or grease that may have accumulated.
  7. Use a meat thermometer: To ensure your chicken is cooked to perfection, use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. Chicken is safe to eat when it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C). This will help prevent undercooked or overcooked chicken.
  8. Let it rest: After cooking, allow the chicken to rest for a few minutes before serving. This helps the juices redistribute and ensures a moist and tender result. Avoid cutting into the chicken immediately as this can cause the juices to escape.

By following these steps, you can achieve irresistibly crispy and juicy air-fried chicken right in the comfort of your own home. Experiment with different seasonings and marinades to create your own signature dish. Happy cooking!


Cooking raw chicken in an air fryer is a great way to make chicken breasts that are moist, flavourful and tender. The air fryer cooks the chicken from all sides at once and it’s easy to get the same delicious taste without worrying about extra fat or calories from oil.

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